This is a collection of news articles, podcasts, and blog posts about the programs featured in and lessons learned from Millions Saved. Here you can find content created as part of our partnership with The Guardian and more.

For media inquiries, contact Holly Shullman at [email protected] (202) 416-4040.

A Hard Look at Global Health Measures

"The CGD researchers are part of a growing movement that seeks harder data about the number of lives actually saved by the billions poured into health in poor and middle-income countries."

Published in Science September 12, 2014

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What Thailand Can Teach the World About Universal Healthcare

The Asian nation proves that a well researched system with dedicated leadership can improve health, affordably. In 10 years, its plan reduced infant mortality, decreased worker sick days and lightened families’ financial burdens

Published in The Guardian May 24, 2016

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Millions Saved: New Cases of Proven Success in Global Health

Amanda and her colleagues should be proud to play such an important part in capturing the learning and examples that will help inform and educate the next 10 years of this global health revolution

Published in Imperial College London May 20, 2016

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Road Safety: the Global Health Issue That's Been Ignored For Too Long

In countries like Vietnam and India, unique incentives – along with fines – are encouraging safer behavior for drivers and pedestrians alike

Published in The Guardian June 8, 2016

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Cash Transfers Help Punjabi Girls Stay in School

"A new school year is starting for students in some countries, but education isn’t a given for all children around the world – especially girls. Some 62 million girls between ages six and 15 are missing school, according to the World Bank.In the face of such worrying statistics, global health and government leaders took action to keep girls learning in northeastern Pakistan’s Punjab state."

Published in The Guardian September 14, 2016

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Lessons on Toilets and Handwashing Come from Around the World

"For World Water Week, Osprey Foundation managing director Louis Boorstin talks water, sanitation and hygiene – which can lead to better health for children, better lives for women and increased income for all. Read why."

Published in The Guardian September 1, 2016

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Hats Off to Vietnam's Helmet Law

"Researchers at the Center for Global Development plan to include the Vietnam law in the next edition of Millions Saved, a book on proven successes in global health, in hopes that it will inspire other countries."

Published in Science September 12, 2014

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Inside Africa's Meningitis Belt, Leaders Fight Disease with an Affordable Vaccine

Watch this video to learn about how countries across Africa's Meningitis Belt came together with donors and drug manufacturers to all but wipe out meningitis A from the countries that had previously been most devastated by it.

Published in The Guardian February 29, 2016

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Saving Millions: the Difference between Doing Good and Making an Impact

A new book, Millions Saved, shows how policymakers and health professionals in the poorest countries worked to make significant, positive differences on peoples’ health.

Published in The Guardian March 22, 2016

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Better Data Means Better Health for the World’s Disease-troubled Areas

Ambitious projects in African and Asian countries have seen success, thanks to improved information-gathering processes that include using smartphones

Published in The Guardian March 22, 2016

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Hear How Motorcycle Safety, Meningitis Vaccines and Money Transfers are Signs of a Global Health Revolution

From this podcast, we can learn from programs that practically wiped out meningitis A in regions of Africa, greatly reduced traffic casualties in Vietnam and kept Kenyan orphans in schools – and make greater progress in health worldwide.

Published in The Guardian April 5, 2016

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Disappearing Diseases: the Global Fight Against Polio, Guinea Worm and Measles

Eradicating an illness requires tremendous effort from healthcare experts, government leaders and local communities. How close are we to wiping out sickness worldwide?

Published in The Guardian April 19, 2016

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Millions Saved: Two Cheers for the Global Health Revolution

As Gates wrote in his foreword: “The more information we can gather and share, the better decisions we can make and the more impact we can have.” Millions Saved is a big step in that direction, and welcome reminder that we are gradually learning how to tackle some of the world’s biggest problems.

Published in Nonprofit Chronicles April 10, 2016

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Evaluating What Works in Global Health

What are the policies and programs driving the global health revolution from the ground up? Or put more simply: what works in global health, and how do we know?

Published in The BMJ - Blog May 5, 2016

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How Much Do You Know About the Global Health Revolution?

Health programs and policies implemented from Brazil to Zambia are doing something right. Can you tell what they are? Take the quiz based on the Center for Global Development’s new book about remarkable improvements around the world

Published in The Guardian May 10, 2016

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Millions Saved Shows That Global Health Programs Can Achieve Success

The authors have provided us with an amazing variety of health interventions ranging from disease-specific areas like HIV, malaria, meningitis, diarrhea, polio and cancer to broader programs like neonatal, child, maternal and family health, and cash transfers, pay-for-performance and universal health care

Published in Global Health TV May 25, 2016

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Perspectives: Millions Saved

The lessons that Millions Saved teach us... remind us of what is at the core of achieving public health success and are relevant for the sustainable development agenda. This book will provide the global health community with renewed optimism for what we can collectively achieve.

Published in The Lancet July 30, 2016

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