The intervention addressed a problem of public health significance. Mortality, morbidity, or another standardized measure such as disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were used to indicate importance.
Interventions or programs demonstrated a significant and attributable impact on one or more population health outcomes based on currently available evidence.
Priority was given to programs that are pro-poor and include specific measures to reduce the barrier that prevent those disadvantaged by gender inequality, geography, ethnicity, from accessing health benefits.
Interventions were implemented on a significant scale – mostly national; regional was also considered. Programs were characterized as national if they had strong national-level commitment even if targeting a limited area or sub-group.
Case information was of interest and programmatically relevant in other settings.
Economic Evaluation
Preference was given to programs that could show cost-effectiveness in implementation, as determined by a country-based threshold.
Financial Protection
Interventions that aimed to reduce the financial hardship and impoverishment associated with health problems were given priority.
Interventions functioned at scale for at least five years.